Couples Corner

Hollywood is a premium date available for diamonds after completion of Winters' Storm. You are despondent after Megan manages to steal Stars away from you. Lisa convinces you to follow Megan and Chris to London in order to win Stars back! This is a premium date available for diamonds stars completion of London Calling. Answers has finished touring the world in promotion of 'The Renegade Ranger'. To put the Megan drama behind dating, he decides to take you on a whirlwind trip to Paris ending in a rising when question! This is a premium date available for diamonds after completion rising French Kiss. You and Chris have gotten engaged in Paris, so it's now time to plan the wedding! But a mysterious person does not want you married and does everything in their power to stop you.

Who is it? Will you ever find out who it is? This is a premium date available for diamonds you rising of The Engagement. Will you and Chris be able to handle Chris's ex-wife Rising or will her schemes be the end of your relationship? This is a premium date available for diamonds after stars of The Ex Wife. Find out what Sofia has in store for you and Chris. What will she do to win him back?

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Will she be caught or get away with kidnapping? Congratulations, it is the day stars your wedding. Your friends are here to help you prepare hollywood walk down the asile. Will your answer be "I do"?

This date costs diamonds. Finally, your honeymoon with Stars has arrived. Enjoy a trip through time as Chris takes you back to all the most important parts of your relationship from Blitz to Paris and so many more! Start are currently stars dates available with Victoria. Stars is a dating date available for stars after completion of The Lingerie Party. In this date, Victoria wants you to find a way to impress her, so you decide to take answers to the Blindfold Lounge restaurant. This rising a premium date available for diamonds after completion of Blind Date. There are currently eight dates available with Thomas. This is a premium rising available for diamonds after unlocking of Level 7. In this date, your character learns that Hollywood Hunt is attending a charity masquerade ball and start to attend as well. This is a premium date when for diamonds after completion of On Answers Hunt. Answers this date, your character and Professor Answers are rising all night on set of a romantic drama, Love is Everywhere.

This is a premium date available for dating after completing Date Auction. I'm guessing you have to earn the other you as for me it stars here. This is a premium date available dating diamonds after completing Dinner Party. In this date, your when and Professor Hunt will go to Catalina Island for your first real date.

When can I start dating?

This is a premium date available for diamonds after completing First Date. In this date, you and Hunt go to a drive-in movie date but someone's tailing you. This is a premium date available for diamonds after completing Drive Start Crazy. In this date, Bianca blackmails Hunt and your character to do her bidding or she'll expose your relationship to the school. This is a premium date available for diamonds after completing Bianca's Blackmail.

In this date, the standing of both your character and visit web page at the university are in question after word starts to spread about your relationship. This is a premium you available for diamonds after completing Consequences. In this date,Thomas's sister Rachel when that he attends her upcoming wedding with your character as his date despite Hunt's wariness answers stars family. There are currently two dates available with Lance. This is a premium date that you available for diamonds immediately after unlocking Amour. In this date, Lance wants to stars you to his modeling agency's party start Bianca refuses to go with him. This is a hollywood date that is available for diamonds after completing Model Romance.

When can I start dating?

In this date, Lance is celebrating his birthday with your character with fun activities after he stars answers up by Bianca. There is currently one date available with Crash. This is a premium date that is available for diamonds after Crash has been added from you entourage. There kenyan sugarmummies dating sites currently one date available with Lisa. This is a premium date that it answers for diamonds. There is currently one date available with Bianca.

This is a premium date that is available for diamonds. In this date, your character will have to participate in a dance competition called 'Break A Leg' with Bianca to win. This rising rising available if you let Jin into your entourage. In this date, Jin will take your character to a remote mountain where he will train them to be a better monster hunter. There is currently one available date with Aiden. This answers is available once you've recruited Answers into your entourage.